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International work

NNR is actively involved in regulatory improvement work both at EU level and within the OECD. At EU level, NNR sometimes acts independently, but often through BusinessEurope. NNR participates in BusinessEurope’s working group on better regulation on a mandate from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. In wider international contexts, NNR act both independently and through BIAC’s (Business at OECD’s) Governance and Regulatory Policy Committee via a mandate from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. NNR thereby participates in meetings of the OECD’s Regulatory Policy Committee and provides comments on its work.

BIAC – the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD

Founded in 1962, the BIAC is an independent international trade organisation that represents the business community in the OECD and acts as an advisory body to decision makers in the OECD. Further information on the BIAC is available here.

NNR cooperates with the BIAC’s Governance and Regulatory Policy Committee. The committee contributes to the work of the OECD Regulatory Policy Committee by aiming to achieve more business-friendly regulations, reduced regulatory costs for businesses and a better regulatory process through better impact assessments and evaluations of actual results of regulations and the simplification of regulation. NNR contributes to BIAC’s work through the Regulatory Policy Committee’s meetings. Further information on the BIAC’s Governance and Regulatory Policy Committee is available here.


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